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Passover To-Go

Photo of Matzoh Ball Soup

Celebrate with the Passover Dinner For Two To-Go including House-made Matzoh Crackers, Chopped Liver, Suzy Friedman’s Vegetarian Chopped Liver, Gefilte Fish, Matzoh Ball Soup, Roasted Chicken, Slow-Braised Pot Roast, Green Beans, Potato Pancakes, Tall, Dark & Handsome Chocolate Cake and Apple Matzoh Kugel for $114.95, plus tax. Each package serves two and is served cold with reheating instructions includes. Orders must be placed by April 11th at Noon for carryout and delivery on Saturday, April 12th & Sunday, April 13th.


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Monday – Friday: Open 7:00AM
Saturday & Sunday: Open 8:00AM


Monday - Friday: 7:00AM - 11:00AM


Monday - Friday: 11:30AM - 4:00PM


Monday - Thursday: 4:00PM - 9:00PM
Friday: 4:00PM - 10:00PM
Saturday: 3:00PM - 10:00PM
Sunday: 3:00PM - 9:00PM

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